How to get from Caye Caulker to Lower Dover, Cayo District

How to get from Caye Caulker to Lower Dover, Cayo District:

travel time: about 4 hours

price: 36,50 USD per person (Nov 2023)

Step 1:

WATER TAXI from Caye Caulker to Belize City

You want to get the 10.30 am water taxi from Caye Caulker to Belize City.
Here is how you do that:

Around 9.45 am you go to the Belize Express Water Taxi Terminal (location). Be aware: There are two different water taxi terminals in Caye Caulker. Make sure you are heading towards the Belize Express Water Taxi. It’s located right behind the basketball court.

At the water taxi terminal you go to the front of the dock to the ticket office in order to buy your water taxi ticket. You need a one-way-ticket to Belize City. You will have to pay $ 33 BZE or $ 16.50 USD, both currencies work.

After you’ve bought your ticket, you go back to the front of the dock to the luggage department. You have to check your big bag here. You will receive a yellow luggage ticket, which you will need later to get your luggage back.

Back to the front of the dock. This is where your water taxi will arrive at 10.30 am, on the right side towards Belize City.

The water taxi ride from Caye Caulker to Belize City takes about 45 min. You will arrive in Belize City around 11.30 am. 

Step 2:

SHUTTLE BUS from Caye Caulker to Lower Dover

(or San Ignacio, if you are going to another hotel)

You want to catch the noon (12 pm ) shuttle bus from Caye Caulker to Unitedville.

Buy your ticket: When you get off the water taxi you enter the water taxi terminal in Belize City. On your right side inside the terminal you will see a white sign over one of the shops, indicating ‘Atlanta Express’. Inside this shop you purchase your ticket.

Tell the man at the counter that you want to take the San Ignacio Shuttle Bus at noon, but make sure he understands that you want to exit in Unitedville at the Lower Dover sign. For one way you pay $ 40 BZE or $ 20 USD, both currencies work.

They will ask you to write your name and destination on the paper form. Right your name and destination ‘Lower Dover, Unitedville.’

After you purchased your ticket, go and pick up your luggage in front of the terminal at the luggage department with your yellow luggage ticket.

When you have your luggage, go back to the Atlanta Express Store. The driver will collect all people for the ‘San Ignacio Bus’. Follow him and the group outside of the terminal, where your bus is waiting for you (1min walk). Communicate directly to the driver as well, that you wish to exit the bus in Unitedville at the Lower Dover sign, in front of the hardware store.

The drive to Unitedville, where Lower Dover is located, takes about 1 1/2 hour. 

After around 1 hour and 15 min you will go through a village called Blackman Eddy. On your right side you will the a bus stop that indicates the village name.

Shortly after that you will go through a roundabout.

At this point you are less than 10 min away from Unitedville. Give us a call and let us know that you arriving soon at the Lower Dover sign. You can reach us by phone or on WhatsApp + 501 674 4200 .

Remind the driver you are getting off in Unitedville at the Lower Dover sign.

Once you are at the sign, we will be there shortly to pick you up with our car. It’s a 2min drive (or a 10 min walk) to Lower Dover. Welcome!