Lower Dover Maya Ruins

Our Mayan Ruin trail intersects the 15+ plazas and multiple unexcavated structures overlooking the Belize River on the site named “Lower Dover”. The tallest of these structures is 36 feet, and many others are over 25 feet. These ruins are special, because you see how big sites like "Caracol" or "Cahal Pech" looked like before they were fully reconstructed. "Lower Dover" is a Maya ruin in the middle of its transformation from wild bush back to what it looked like hundreds of years ago.

The site is believed to be a royal ceremonial center, where nobility conducted and regulated trade along the Belize River valley. It is a major discovery and more will be officially announced as concrete information becomes available during further dig seasons.

The site is adjacent from the much studied housing settlement of Barton Ramie on the opposite side of the Belize River. The jungle was so thick we didn’t even know how big some of the ruins were and we have lived here for 25 years!

Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance (BVAR) run summer archeology field schools, which include digs right here at Lower Dover.


Or book your Lower Dover jungle cabin here!